Item Part: CONTR-M
RO controller with conductivity meter
Shows operation status of a reverse osmosis system through flow diagram
Combine PLC functions with TDS meter
Ready to be used with level control switch on storage tank
External lockout input
Remote operation capable
Programmable auto fast-flush cycle
TDS sensor with automatic temperature
compensation included (5 m cable)
Process controlled:
- Low inlet flow
- Low inlet pressure
- Inlet valve
- High pressure pump
- High conductivity level
- High level of water on tank
- Flush valve
- Measuring range: 0~200 µS/cm
Dimensions: 3.8” x 3.8” x 5.1” (HxWxD)
Hole size on panel: 3.6” x 3.6”
Power: 110 V or 220 V, 50 Hz

Item Part: ORP
Suitable for in-line monitoring of oxidation-reduction potential
Sensor Included (5 m cable)
Back-light LCD display
High limit and low limit control
Measuring Range: -1999 mV ~ +1999 mV
Resolution: ± 1 mV
Accuracy: ± 2 mV
Automatic temperature compensation 0-99⁰C
Stability: ≤ 2 mV/24h
Measuring distance: ≤ 20 m
Communication: RS485 output
4~20 mA current output
Dimensions: 3.8” x 3.8” x 5.1” (HxWxD)
Hole size on panel: 3.6” x 3.6”
Power: 110 V or 220 V, 50 Hz

Item Part: PH- CONT
Suitable for in-line monitoring of pH
Electrode included (5 m cable)
Back-light LCD display
High limit and low limit control
Automatically identifies pH buffer and three-point calibration
Measuring Range: 0-14
Resolution: 0.01
Accuracy: 0.05
Automatic temperature compensation 0-99 ⁰C
Stability: ≤ 0.05/24 h
Measuring distance: ≤ 20 m
Communication: RS485 output
4~20 mA current output
Dimensions: 3.8” x 3.8” x 5.1” (HxWxD)
Hole size on panel: 3.6” x 3.6”
Power: 110 V or 220 V, 50 Hz

Item Part: TDS-IL
Conductivity Meter for in-line monitoring
Includes TDS sensor with 5 m cable
- 4-20 mA signal output
- Temperature measurement
- Can switch µS/cm – ppm
- Auto range conversion
- Back-light LCD display
- Conductivity Range: 0-19.99 µS/cm, 0-199.9 µS/cm and 0-1999 µS/cm
Temperature range: 0-50 ℃
Accuracy: 1.5% (FS)
Stability: ± 1.5*10 -3 /24 h
Automatic temperature compensation
Dimensions: 1.9” x 3.8” x 3.9” (HxWxD)
Hole size of meter on panel: 1.8” x 3.6”
Power: 110 V or 220 V, 50 Hz

Item Part: TDS-IL-A
Conductivity Meter for in-line monitoring with high level alarm
Includes TDS sensor with 5 m cable
- High limit alarm
- Temperature measurement
- Can switch µS/cm – ppm
- Auto range conversion
- Back-light LCD display
- Conductivity Range: 0-19.99 µS/cm, 0-199.9 µS/cm and 0-1999 µS/cm
Temperature range: 0-50 ℃
Accuracy: 1.5% (FS)
Stability: ± 1.5*10 -3 /24 h
Automatic temperature compensation.
Dimensions: 1.9” x 3.8” x 3.9” (HxWxD)
Hole size of meter on panel: 1.8” x 3.6”
Power: 110 V or 220 V, 50 Hz

TDS MONITOR Before - After
Item Part: TDS-BA-A
Suitable for in-line monitoring of conductivity on two points of the RO process: before and after membrane (inlet and outlet)
Electrodes included (5 m cable)
Easy installation and operation
Accurate and stable measurement
Automatic temperature compensation 0-99 ⁰C
Measuring Range:
- Inlet: 0-200 µS/cm
- Outlet: 0-20 µS/cm
- Accuracy: 1.5 % (FS)
Stability: ± 2*10 -3 /24 h
Dimensions: 1.9” x 3.8” x 3.9” (HxWxD)
Hole size of meter on panel: 1.8” x 3.6”
Hole size of sensor: ½” pipe thread
Power: 110 V or 220 V, 50 Hz

TDS METER Before - After
Item Part: TDS-BA
Measure and display TDS on two points of the system (usually before and after RO membrane)
Green/Red back-light to indicate removal rate
Optional monitoring or continuous mode
Range: 0-999 ppm
Sensitivity: 1 ppm
Dimension: 4” x 1.6”
Thread size: ¼”
Battery operated (3 V Lithium CR2032, included)
Includes Velcro and clips for mounting

MYRON 4PII Ultrameter
Item Part: MYRON 4PII
Measures 4 parameters on field:
- Conductivity
- Resistivity (10 KΩ–30 MΩ)
- pH (0–14)
- Temperature (0–71 °C)
- Four-digit display for full 9999 readings, with autoranging capability up to 200 mS/200 ppt
Memory for 100 readings with Date & Time Stamp
Capable of wireless data transfer with bluDock™ option installed
Automatic temperature compensation
Auto shut-off
Power: 9 V battery (1)
Dimensions: 7.7” x 2.7” x 2.5”

MYRON 6PFC E Ultrameter II
Measures 6 parameters on field:
- Conductivity
- Resistivity (10 KΩ–30 MΩ)
- ORP (±999 mV)
- Free Chlorine (0.00–9.99 ppm)
- pH (0–14)
- Temperature (0–71 °C)
ORP mV to ppm free chlorine conversion pH/ORP Sensor protective cap
Four-digit display for full 9999 readings, with autoranging capability up to 200 mS/200 ppt
Memory for 100 readings with Date & Time Stamp
capable of wireless data transfer with bluDock™ option installed
Automatic temperature compensation
Auto shut-off
Power: 9 V battery (1)
Dimensions: 7.7” x 2.7” x 2.5”

Item Part: TDS
Handheld TDS meter with pocket clip
Range: 0-2999 ppm
Accuracy: 1 ppm
Hold function keep measure even when tester is not in water
Automatic temperature compensation
Auto shut off (saves battery)
Back-light color indicator:
Green: ≤ 40 ppm
Red: > 40 ppm
Battery operated (3 V Lithium CR2032, included)
Dimension: 150 mm x 27 mm x 17 mm

Ultrapen TDS METER
Item Part: TDS-MYRON PT1
Handheld meter with pocket clip
Measures 4 parameters:
- Conductivity
- Salinity
- Temperature
- Accuracy: ±1 %
Automatic temperature compensation Autoranging
Power: N Type Battery (1), included
Dimension: 6.75” L x 0.625” D

Ultrapen pH / Temperature METER
Item Part: PH-MYRON PT2
Handheld meter with pocket clip
Measures 2 parameters:
- pH (0.00-14.00)
- Temperature (0–71 °C)
- Accuracy: ±0.01 pH
1, 2, 3 point calibration
Automatic temperature compensation
Power: N Type Battery (1), included
Dimension: 6.75” L x 0.625” D